Saturday, May 3, 2008

Child welfare changes in D.C

According to an article i read the Washington DC mayor is chanign the child welfare law after the police found 4 deaths of children. In the article it said that the child safety has moved up a level. I just wonder since we all know beatings and deaths of young children are happening if there is anything we could do to help. I mean we don't have to be social workers, counselors, police officers, or any kind of license person to help these little kids. I think we should start out in our home towns and get together to try to make the neighborhoods we live in a safer place for children. And let children always have some one to talk to when they know their being mistreated.

I just wonder what is it we could do? We could attract more crowds to a school function for little children and tehir parents to go to and have fun and enjoy themself. So atleast we know their at school with people around instead of being at their homes letting lord knows what in and going on.

It probably isn't making much sense but to me i think any idea could help. It breaks my heart hearing about all these kids dying. If its not from parent's it's from being left in cars thats too hot, or wrecks, or anything. This world has become very troublesome.

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how did welfare begin?

The need for welfare was great in the 1930's during the Great Depression. Millions of people were thrown out of their jobs, left with no other options. High numbers of fathers left their families and fled to elsewhere, and left their family to survive by their own means.

Before the Great Depression, community charities helped the poor and needy, but the downfall of the economy hit everyone hard, and the people that helped the poor, now had a need to achieve their own survival. Schools began to close, families were left homeless, wandering the streets. The elderly suffered because they had no money to live on. While Franklin D. Roosevelt rushed to create more jobs, he also began to back an idea that would give aid to poor children and other dependent people. (According to

Just think.. all this began because of hte great depression. Now in todays world we have hit Recession close enough to depression just not as bad as some say. I wonder with the increase in gas and all prices and taxing going up if this could mean a change? I mean the great depression changed the world a lot. I'm just curious if this world is ready for another change?