Friday, May 2, 2008

Child Abuse

The state's top child welfare official said investigators found "historic physical injuries and fractures" among the children taken from the Fundamentalist LDS Church's ranch. (Yahoo news)

It also says that over 41 children had the same type of fractures found on them. I never realized how many kids are abused or mistreated each day. most of us believe we have such a hard life but think about these kids... it's horrible news. It's kind of like the saying you never know what you have till its gone.

In this situation that statement if very true. I know i have said this before but who really wants to harm a child? An adult who thinks its going to make tem feel better? Or they dont have nothing else to take their anger out on? That has to be one of the saddest things i have ever heard. How can one live with themself knowing they hurt a baby, or a child?

People really make me sick. When i get talking about kids and how they are mistreated that is something i can keep going on and on about. I mean i really thank God for Social Workers out there who try to go in and save the kids. Biggest part of the time i just always found them nosey and trying to destroy a family, but as i have grown to know better, i have realized the parents destroy the families.

In my field of education i decided to go into Elem. Ed... because i love being around children and hope to inspire them one day and be someone there to help them. but if i had a seond choice i would totally be a social worker and help the kids who really need reaching out for.

I thank God that we have people out there who do care. Those are the ones i truly look up to. Im glad there is a program out there to help these little kids, parents really need to grow up sometime. Maybe in time they'll get what they truly deserve.

animal welfare

I read this article the other day about cruelty to animals how people try to kill dogs and cats for FOOD. The kill animals for clothes. I think thats wrong. And im glad we have a welfare system for Animals to be protected by. But whose to say how successful this really is? It's suppose to stop the cruelty against animals but when you got to these big expensive places and there are these real fur coats how is welfare protecting the people from making the real fur coats?

I believe animal welfare only states a brief message what their trying to get across instead of really laying down the laws like they would a human being. Animals are just like people, they have feelings like us... and i am the type of person who could never harm a animal even if i would ever run over one, it would break my heart.

Rudd Hints at welfare means test

On Yahoo news The Federal Government is refusing to spell out whether it plans to bring in means tests for some welfare payments in this month's Budget.

Earlier today Prime Minister Kevin Rudd gave his strongest indication yet that he plans to bring in means tests.

Speaking on Fairfax Radio, he said his focus was on helping people on incomes of around $50,000 or $60,000 a year.

"They're the people who make up the vast majority of our country [and the people] we need to look after," he said.

"People way beyond that, once you get right up there, there's a whole question about whether you need support from Government."

Im not even sure if im taking this correctly but it makes me mad the way i am taking it. What does it mean WE NEED TO LOOK AFTER THE ONES WHO MAKE ALL THAT MONEY? And THEY NEED SUPPORT FROM THE GOVERMENT? To an extent i agree but what in this world... what about looking after the people who doesn't make that much income? What does is the world going to do about that? What i think is that we need a REAL president in office, one who is going to take a stand and one who knows what their doing and is going to make a change... for the better. Because the way life it right now it sucks!

Where was Bush when gas started going up? Or when people complained about the health care system? Or the budget cuts in education? And now the welfare to me is cheating out money!!! And why?! Is it the Governments fault? Maybe... But i personally blame it on the president... because he does have say in all this. And now the world is going t hrough recession while bush is in office... maybe its just about time we get a new one in office.. maybe thats the life saver we need. Will Barack Obama be a good candiate to help turn the country around and help the programs such as welfare? Heck no!

I think we mise well hand it on over to Hillary Clinton. I have watched her speeches and debates and you really can tell she means what she says. Shes not "BS*ing" anyone unlike OBAMA. We get a new president in office and well see how the welfare prgram and the health care system and educatoin turns around. I would bet money on it that this is the prayer were looking for.

The old/new system

On The old system was often criticized for granting benefits to people who didn't deserve them – and should instead have been working. But the new system creates the distinct possibility that people who do deserve assistance will be denied it. And because most public assistance goes to families, many of the victims would inevitably be children.

Standardization, for all its drawbacks, also ensured a certain kind of blind fairness. In the new system, there is so much discretion involved that civil-rights activists wonder whether minorities and people with drug problems will be dealt with fairly, and whether people with legitimate reasons for not being able to work will nevertheless be cut off from assistance.

I think the new system could be improving. Maybe just maybe their finally being strict on whose getting the money. But seriously, like the article states, people who do need the money are being denied unlike the old system the ones who didn't need it got it. The majority of money does go to people with children and if it was up to me i would give the biggest part to the children. I know that sounds bad but recently i learned about how kids go home on the weekends from school not having anything to eat, so the school started this program for every friday they fill up a backpack with little foods kids can eat. And stuff for them to do like coloring books and such.

Then again older people who cant afford much and are too weak to work. I know my papaw is 64 years old and he is a very weak man. It's been years since i seen him out working and doing anything because older people do get and stay sick a lot. Im not sure exactly how to get hte government to look more into that and there probably really isnt a way to get them too but to me i think if you get beyond a certain age and arent able to work that you should get money from welfare. i just think its fair and its helping the people in need.

Wefare No Longer Exists

According to an article in teh Washinton Post it states "Welfare as we knew it no longer exists."

The 61-year American tradition of guaranteeing cash assistance to the poor came to an end with the signing of legislation in August 1996.

Under the old system, founded during the Great Depression, the federal government provided fairly uniform benefits to the nation's poor – mostly mothers and children – without regard to the details of their personal circumstances, and with no time limit.

But over time, the system became increasingly unpopular. Political opinion turned against the idea of anyone getting rewarded for being idle. Social critics said welfare was responsible for a permanent underclass of people living off government checks because the incentives to go to work were so weak.

This is just like what i have commented in one of my earlier blogs. People are getting OUR money that we work for and earned basically free. I have a family member who gets a check each month and sits around on the couch and does absolutly nothing. She's no sick or unable to do anything.

To me she is just lazy and basically lives off the check she gets the first of every month. And not only that but getting so much a month and TRYING to make it last all month is obviously too hard for. Because in 3/4 days that check is long gone and she is bumming gas money off my dad. Not 'borrowing' but literally asking for it for her to have. And that is what gets under my skin when people who dont deserve welfare money can't even make it last long enough for them to have something that month... it's pathetic. It's actually more then i can say.