Friday, May 2, 2008

Child Abuse

The state's top child welfare official said investigators found "historic physical injuries and fractures" among the children taken from the Fundamentalist LDS Church's ranch. (Yahoo news)

It also says that over 41 children had the same type of fractures found on them. I never realized how many kids are abused or mistreated each day. most of us believe we have such a hard life but think about these kids... it's horrible news. It's kind of like the saying you never know what you have till its gone.

In this situation that statement if very true. I know i have said this before but who really wants to harm a child? An adult who thinks its going to make tem feel better? Or they dont have nothing else to take their anger out on? That has to be one of the saddest things i have ever heard. How can one live with themself knowing they hurt a baby, or a child?

People really make me sick. When i get talking about kids and how they are mistreated that is something i can keep going on and on about. I mean i really thank God for Social Workers out there who try to go in and save the kids. Biggest part of the time i just always found them nosey and trying to destroy a family, but as i have grown to know better, i have realized the parents destroy the families.

In my field of education i decided to go into Elem. Ed... because i love being around children and hope to inspire them one day and be someone there to help them. but if i had a seond choice i would totally be a social worker and help the kids who really need reaching out for.

I thank God that we have people out there who do care. Those are the ones i truly look up to. Im glad there is a program out there to help these little kids, parents really need to grow up sometime. Maybe in time they'll get what they truly deserve.

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