Friday, May 2, 2008

Rudd Hints at welfare means test

On Yahoo news The Federal Government is refusing to spell out whether it plans to bring in means tests for some welfare payments in this month's Budget.

Earlier today Prime Minister Kevin Rudd gave his strongest indication yet that he plans to bring in means tests.

Speaking on Fairfax Radio, he said his focus was on helping people on incomes of around $50,000 or $60,000 a year.

"They're the people who make up the vast majority of our country [and the people] we need to look after," he said.

"People way beyond that, once you get right up there, there's a whole question about whether you need support from Government."

Im not even sure if im taking this correctly but it makes me mad the way i am taking it. What does it mean WE NEED TO LOOK AFTER THE ONES WHO MAKE ALL THAT MONEY? And THEY NEED SUPPORT FROM THE GOVERMENT? To an extent i agree but what in this world... what about looking after the people who doesn't make that much income? What does is the world going to do about that? What i think is that we need a REAL president in office, one who is going to take a stand and one who knows what their doing and is going to make a change... for the better. Because the way life it right now it sucks!

Where was Bush when gas started going up? Or when people complained about the health care system? Or the budget cuts in education? And now the welfare to me is cheating out money!!! And why?! Is it the Governments fault? Maybe... But i personally blame it on the president... because he does have say in all this. And now the world is going t hrough recession while bush is in office... maybe its just about time we get a new one in office.. maybe thats the life saver we need. Will Barack Obama be a good candiate to help turn the country around and help the programs such as welfare? Heck no!

I think we mise well hand it on over to Hillary Clinton. I have watched her speeches and debates and you really can tell she means what she says. Shes not "BS*ing" anyone unlike OBAMA. We get a new president in office and well see how the welfare prgram and the health care system and educatoin turns around. I would bet money on it that this is the prayer were looking for.

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