Friday, May 2, 2008

Wefare No Longer Exists

According to an article in teh Washinton Post it states "Welfare as we knew it no longer exists."

The 61-year American tradition of guaranteeing cash assistance to the poor came to an end with the signing of legislation in August 1996.

Under the old system, founded during the Great Depression, the federal government provided fairly uniform benefits to the nation's poor – mostly mothers and children – without regard to the details of their personal circumstances, and with no time limit.

But over time, the system became increasingly unpopular. Political opinion turned against the idea of anyone getting rewarded for being idle. Social critics said welfare was responsible for a permanent underclass of people living off government checks because the incentives to go to work were so weak.

This is just like what i have commented in one of my earlier blogs. People are getting OUR money that we work for and earned basically free. I have a family member who gets a check each month and sits around on the couch and does absolutly nothing. She's no sick or unable to do anything.

To me she is just lazy and basically lives off the check she gets the first of every month. And not only that but getting so much a month and TRYING to make it last all month is obviously too hard for. Because in 3/4 days that check is long gone and she is bumming gas money off my dad. Not 'borrowing' but literally asking for it for her to have. And that is what gets under my skin when people who dont deserve welfare money can't even make it last long enough for them to have something that month... it's pathetic. It's actually more then i can say.

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